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Dental Exam

During your initial visit, a comprehensive dental exam is performed by one of our doctors.






Dental exam includes:

  • Listening: Understanding our patient's primary dental concerns and expectations.

  • Oral cancer screening: Thorough examination of the head, neck, oral cavity, throat and surrounding areas for any signs of oral cancer.

  • Radiographic examination: A panoramic x-ray and full mouth series of x-ray is essential for comprehensive and accurate diagnosis. 

  • Gum disease evaluation: Thorough examination of gums and bone around the teeth for any signs of periodontal disease.

  • Examination of tooth decay: All tooth surfaces will be examined for decay.

  • Examination of existing restorations: Examination of current fillings, crowns, bridges.

  • Presentation: Doctors present their findings to the patients. Our patients have a chance to ask questions. We are focused on education and we will provide our recommendations and present options.


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